Canton of Zurich

Central Entrance Examination

For the high schools of the Canton of Zurich a centralised entrance examination was introduced. Enrolment for the examination to attend the different schools now happens electronically through one single website

gyselroth™ developed an internet platform for enrolment for the examinations as well as the subsequent evaluation of these exams. Through the platform, parents can access information about the participating schools and enrol their children for the entrance examination of their preferred school. In addition, the platform allows pupils access to exams from previous years as a preparation. The platform ensures a standardised grading-system and evaluation of the entrance examinations. Challenges are the amount of data, as well as the evaluation, generating statistics and determining the grading scale. Over 7000 people fill in the digital forms each year, and the data is then accessed by 18 different schools.

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Over 7000 people fill in the digital forms each year.
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